sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2022

Mais formação e eventos sobre #jornalismo, #desinformação e #factchecking

07/12/22 - JournalismAI Festival, London School of Economics and Political Science [arquivo]

24-28/10/22 - European Media Literacy Week 2022, EDMO [arquivo]

Outubro/Dezembro - 360/Digital Sherlocks training program, DFRLab, Atlantic Council - Fall 2022

22-23/09/22 - CEDMO International Conference 2022 - Europe Tackles Information Chaos, CEDMO [arquivo]

15/09/22  - Search Tips for LinkedIn: How to Track People and Companies on the World’s Top Professional Network, GIJN [arquivo]

07/07/22 - Digital Enquirer Kit: Safeguarding Whistleblowers, Tactical Tech [slides]

05/07/22 - GIJN Workshop: So You Think You Can Google?, GIJN [video]

09/06/22 - Securing Your Online Accounts, Tactical Tech [video, slides]

07 e 08/06/22 - Social Media for Disaster Risk Management:  Researchers Meet Practitioners, Task Force on Social Media for Disaster Risk Management [arquivo]

02/06/22 - Passing the Fact-Checking Challenge: How to build stories with unbeatable proof, Tactical Tech [arquivo]

02/06/22 - VI Jornada de Periodismo Móvil - MoJoBCN UOC-EFE [arquivo]

31/05/22 - Verifying Footage from Ukraine: Open-source methods, tips and tools, Tactical Tech [arquivo

26/05/22 -  "Information Security Starts In Your Head", Exposing the Invisible Webinar [arquivo]

07 e 08/04/22 - SANS Open-Source Intelligence Summit 2022, SANS Institute 

07/04/22 - ¿Puede la Inteligencia Artificial detener la desinformación?, IBERIFIER [arquivo

01/04/22 - Seminário "Literacia digital e mediática: resultados do projeto COMEDIG"

Março/22 - Introduction to OSINT for Journalists and Researchers, Tom Jarvis, UDEMY 

Março/Maio - 360/Digital Sherlocks training program, DFRLab, Atlantic Council - Spring 2022

25/03/22 - The power of open-source investigations to hold establishments to account, Good Law Project [video]

14/03/22 - Origens da Desinformação e Fake News, com Inês Narciso e Vera Novais, Seminário de Jovens Cientistas, Academia de Ciências 

14/12/21 - Using digital technology for war crimes’ documentation and accountability, eyeWitness to Atrocities and Truth Hounds [arquivo]

14/12/21 - Counter Propaganda and Disinformation Working Group focusing on election security and the application of technology solutions to improve resilience related to propaganda and disinformation, Department of State's Global Engagement Center, Atlantic Council's GeoTech Center and Digital Forensic Research Lab

08/12/21 -  InVID/WeVerify training, WeVerify 

29/11/21 -  The Influence Industry, Gray Area e Tactical Tech [arquivo]

18/11/21 - ¿Tu teléfono te escucha todo el tiempo? y otros abusos de privacidad del Internet en nuestras vidas, News Co/Lab e PeriodismoCIDE [arquivo]

03/11/21 - Fake News & Elections: How to Reduce the Threat?, Americas Quarterly/Council of the Americas [arquivo]

Outubro/Janeiro - 360/Digital Sherlocks training program - Fall 2021

29/09/21 - Talk sobre Fake News e Combate à Desinformação, EUROPE DIRECT Baixo Alentejo [vídeo]

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